Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day trips into a short lived tunnel!

This particular day was with a friend of the family. He is currently enjoying be laid off like a lot of guys, and filling his days with all sorts of suggested adventures. He took this shot of me as we headed deep, like 15 feet deep, into a sealed off miners tunnel. Of course we had flashlights, but the torch is so dramatic.

After we found the cave to lack any real adventure, we turned our efforts towards a shortcut. This particular cliff was only 2 feet off the ground. I am just grunting due to the Mexican food I had the night before. Perhaps there is some Pepto up at the summit?

We did climb to the base of the Mt. top and found a wonderful view to show off. I'm not to sure what we are looking at here but is really much more stunning in real life.

As we looked out over all the vast wilderness, I could not help but wonder what it must be like to live your whole life trying to see the face of a Bigfoot in the midst of all this vastness. I sometimes have to stop and remind myself just what is my goal here. I really would love nothing more then to see one, just for a second. But if it never comes to that, to have joy of crossing through country like this for the sake of God's appreciation...well what more does a guy really need?
As it got darker, I noticed some black pockets existing in the side of the hill. They were fairly high up and looked to be about 15 feet or more in diameter. The roads, if there where any, had to be only used by mules or migrants, back when this Mt. was getting hammered inside out!

Poking my head around

There was a rumor floating around the area here in Eugene about a giant crack existed in the earth nearby. It was started at work by a guy who new a guy and so and so forth. I left the story alone for a year or so and then came back to address it as a possible source for a wonderful research area. I have come face to face with its reality. Here is a small sample of what many people don't believe is in our own backyard!
This particular shot took some strong willpower to pull off. As it turns out, the only way to get a full view of this is really from the bottom 100 feet down, looking up. I have yet to experience this for myself. I was with my beautiful Fiance Med- she decided to hold on for dear life and pose for a shot hanging above it. That was pretty brave for someone deathly afraid of heights, but she is in good hands! I may just head back there this Thursday by myself and check out the base with some new pictures. This place is not on any map and has been so since the 20's from what I hear. It is however very close to a significant water source and high range access points.
I have heard of at least 2 encounters within 50 miles of the area that make me think this is a god place to hold close to the vest. More pictures to come on this for sure. Perhaps even a night venture should be in order.