Friday, September 4, 2009

How did all this get started anyway?

After what must be 3 years or so now, I give to you the first interesting print my 4 year old son found out in the brush. I do not have any excuse as to why I only have the one print show, other then I did not see any other print on the trail and I was pretty green in the field. It measured at about only around 10-11 inches at the length- and I gauge that by the size of the whistle- It is only a sloppy guess! I have no clue as to the width.
If it was a bear or human, it is interesting as well. The time of year was about early Feb. and the place it was found could have been trailed by either known natives to the area. However, given the time of year, most bears should be hibernating and for a hum to be laying down there barefoot in the middle of cold icy mud puddle is fairly weird.
That leaves me to think it is a hoaxed print,"given the fact it is a single print", and or something else.
I leave this print by my computer for a reminder to always keep a look out on the forest floor. I need to get back out there.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Checking Bait Station in Research Area

So I headed up to the research area last week. I thought it would be something I would have to do alone eventually, and it was. That's allright with me. For the most part my schedule is pretty uncertain and I understand this makes going in pairs a little harder.
To my surprise I was pretty shocked to find the fist bait station without using my map or notes. It was all locked into my brain. It was like 4 weeks was only 4 hrs.
I parked my car and headed up the marked embankment. Once I started up the hill, I could already see signs of animals on the game trail. I remembered pretty quick just how many footsteps it took to get up the stump where we left the jar of Jiffy.
The jar was totally gone. There were no signs of it being opened at the scene or that it had been rolled away by weather. It had been taken by something that can open its grip or mouth to about 5 inches.

I decided to look around for any evidence of foot tracking or DNA at the scene. I walked the game trails and sat down in the middle of the forest for a while. I felt as thought leaping to any conclusions outside of known predators, including human, was a thought I had to deal with. I sat down beside the stump and decided what to do next.
I reached into wallet and pulled out a picture of me and my son. It is a regular wallet size photo of us dressed up on Halloween. If something comes by and takes this photo. If something sees this photo framed by twigs and guarded by branches and still removes this photo, what if anything will that mean as far as what is roaming this area. Granted a game cam would end all this fuss and guessing.

Oddly enough this costume shows me in werewolf makeup. Maybe the hair and teeth will come as a welcomed change of pace.

This again is very remote private property!

After I drove off from the first bait station, I had to travel 45 minutes east and to the infamous hanging coconut. If you watch the video I have posted on the blog, you can see just how ridiculous the process was of me trying to hang it.
It was untouched and hanging just as I had left it. I decided to take down the bait and open the coconut and throw it in a mesh bag. I then hung it from the string and drizzled out the coconut milk on the side of a hill. I left the bait on the side of the hill in hopes to see what would be walking up to it. The hill is very easy to see footprints on and whatever takes it will probably leave a print. Here is a larger picture of the coconut hanging from a nearby stump. The bottom picture is a close up view of just how this done. fairly crude and I am as you know just a novice.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Down to the Depths 100 ft. plus

I made it to the H.H. - secret name for a secret spot. Making the climb down was never going to be a solo option. Took a fellow researcher out of Eugene that likes to fly low under the public radar- but he has all the climbing gear, and thus he was the best squatcher for the job.

It is very hard to get the scale in these photos here. We where bot so exhausted by the time we made the descent into the musty pit.

It is a 1.4 mile long, about 75 feet wide at its largest point and very spooky. We did not find anything worth reporting as far as BF, but we did find some interesting scratch marks on a boulder by a cave. There seemed to be a row of 5 deep scratches made into the boulder. Think perhaps a large kitty made this.
The walls of this particular geographical split have been dividing themselves for thousands of years. You can see large boulders the size of minivans dwelling along the bottom. I really should have taken more photos. Guess there has to be a H.H. part II!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Biolum Article

Next time that someone says that you're glowing, check that they don't mean it literally. Researchers in Japan have finally managed to prove the existence of the human body'sbioluminescence with these first-ever pictures of the body's natural shine.

Japanese researchers Masaki Kobayashi and Daisuke Kikuchi from the Tohoku Institute of Technology, along with Hitoshi Okamura explained the story behind these wonderful images:

The human body literally glimmers. The intensity of the light emitted by the body is 1000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eyes. Ultraweak photon emission is known as the energy released as light through the changes in energy metabolism. We successfully imaged the diurnal change of this ultraweak photon emission with an improved highly sensitive imaging system using cryogenic charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. We found that the human body directly and rhythmically emits light.

Apparently, the amount of light we emit - while always staying around a thousand times weaker than the eye can see - changes depending on the time of day, and goes in 24-hour cycles; we are at our brightest in the afternoon, and dimmest in the evening. Perhaps surprisingly, the amount of light emitted by our bodies doesn't correspond to the amount of heat given off, and thermal imaging provides entirely different visual results than the hyper-light-sensitive cameras.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Patty in the Wind

The emotional context of what Patty might have been leaving in her now-famous Bluff Creek dash, has always struck me as far too heartbreaking to consider....but I must!

The following is an attempt to gain perspective on just how deep the hurt goes, when the love of your life leaves you for fame, fortune, and the googling eyes of 2 saddle-bound cowboys.

Enjoy my take on how the maleSasquatch of Patty's life was left to a world of utter sorrow and sudden single-parenting.

"Sas in the Wind"

She was tall and lean….
Patty had a certain grace, in our nestin' place,
We could hide there so we would not be seen.
Her red eyes locked on mine…
Gave me a loud wood knock, around the clock,
I thought you would love me in the forest for all time.

And this Squatch don’t know, where broken hearts go, are you just playing hide-n- seek?
I’m hanging in a RedWood, since you left me, in old Bluff Creek.
Our Juvies still ask about you, but I don’t know what say?
I guess my Patty’s happy now, since she bi-pedaled away……..

I still smell your musky scent……
It was the morning dew, mixed with poo,
Oh the aroma made me whoop when I caught a hint
Don’t migrate away…..
Heard ya made a short film too, with some cowboys who,
Just used you, for your giant foot display

And this Squatch don’t know, where broken hearts go, are you just playing hide-n- seek?
I’m hanging in a Redwood , since you left me in old Bluff Creek.
Our Juvies still ask about you, but I don’t know what say?
I guess my Patty’s happy now, since she bi-pedaled away……..
Since she bi-pedaled away…………

BIGFOOT AIR Sunday's at 7p.m. Pacific

I am going on my 2nd month of airing a local internet radio show on, dedicated to Sas stories. Thus far, for a juvi in the area of radio production and Sas research I am fairly happy with the progress.

I have changed some things here and there along the way, but over all it is a fun ride with some interesting guest.

Booking guest so far is the most challenging area, not only as it relates to not being fully in the loop with a cast of colorful personalities, but the reaction of those whom are local to wanting to come forward and on record.

Lets see what pans out with this experiment.

2nd good report from research area

Lane County
$^% Mountain School Road in $%^#$^, Oregon

My mother saw Bigfoot in June of 1983. Our family went swimming in Oregon and we all started feeling uneasy, like we were being watched. I know it sounds overly dramatic, but it is true. We had our Doberman with us and he was acting strange. When we were swimming we heard a loud splash in the creek. Then we heard trees breaking. In fear it was a black bear my father quickly ushered us into the truck. My sisters and I sat in the back of the truck. My father drove very fast on the old logging road. Then suddenly we almost came to a stopped. Right where another logging road crossed the road we were on. My dog nearly jumped out and all of us kids grabbed him. Which focus our attention eastward down the other logging road. Suddenly, my father stomped on the gas and sent us kids (and dog) sailing against the tail bed of the truck. He never let up on the gas until we were about five miles away and we stopped at a store. Mother jumped out and said, "Did you kids see it? It was bigfoot!!"

My father quickly told her to lower her voice, but my father never said he had seen anything. In fact, for years my father denied or remained silent about our encounter. Just recently, my father broke down and said, "I just wanted to get my family somewhere safe. Away from it." My mother said that Bigfoot was just calmly walking down the logging road, kicking gravel, as if he was bored. She said he slowly looked up and saw us and looked back down to the ground.

Sometimes, I wonder if my dog was not trying to get away from it. Trying to jump out the opposite way Bigfoot was walking. I truly believe Bigfoot did not intend to hurt any of us. He would have clearly had his chance when we were swimming. He did throw something in the creek and broke many trees. I believe his way of saying this is my home you need to leave now. He didn't seem aggressive when we passed him on the logging road, according to my mother's account, just the opposite. I wonder if he was just relieved we were leaving. All I know is that he gave my mother, father, and my dog the biggest scare of their lives. My sisters and I sometimes are disappointed we didn't get to see the creature. We were busy wrestling with a dog and being slung around like rag dolls in the back of a truck. But maybe one day I will see him and I will probably be just as terrified as mom and dad. Then again, who knows?

I gave my mother your phone number but I am not sure if she or my dad will call. I did get a description from my mother. Height: a little over 6 feet; very muscular, brown hair all over, but when sun hit it reddish highlights were seen, arms hung below its knees, fingers were real long making legs look somewhat stumpy, it was very stocky. I ask her to estimate it's weight she said, "good lord I don't know, I weigh 190 lbs and I would have looked like a kid next to it, bigger than any human I've ever saw." She said its face looked more human than apelike. It had deep set eyes, very wide nose (nose had no hair on it), and there was hair from the cheekbones down covering everything except the nose. It walked upright like a man. She said it did not seem aggressive. I asked her since it did not look like an ape did it look like a Neanderthal man. She said no, it was not as ugly as a Neanderthal it looked like a hairy man.

Larger cave found on side of research hill!!

I have not made it to the first cave, however I did talk to someone about the trails that lead up to each one. There are no trails that have been man made- at least thats the words of one wise historian. Wonder how I will eventually make my on in?

Interesting Tree Break

Was out in the research area and came across what looks to be a very clean break made to a tree about 3 inches in diameter. Did not see any real signs of recent human activity in or around the area. Darin did hear something large in the bushes right before I discovered this, however I don't think there's any reason to connect the 2. Always trying to be the proper skeptic while out. In fact I wonder if Sas avoids certain people all together.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

First Model Attempt

Let me give a quick update of how my Sasquatch model turned out. The photos will take you from the start to the end.
I gave this one an optional boulder throwing option or as you will see, carrying a large stick. Cannot really decide if Sas is a she or a he yet. I did paint the eyes a deep red, sense so many have described this just does not fee right with such cheap paint. I have to remove it and go o-natural! Here is a shadowy profile of Sas gesturing. All I did for this one, was take some pics in my backyard and load them up on the monitor. Then I clicked a photo of the model on my keyboard.

I have sense changed the hair length to match the description of 2 encounters I have been given. If you look hard you can even see a long handle bar mustache. In the end I used the left hand extended to pull back a Fir Tree I glued to the base of the stand. It was a good and fun first attempt--and you can do it to folks.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day trips into a short lived tunnel!

This particular day was with a friend of the family. He is currently enjoying be laid off like a lot of guys, and filling his days with all sorts of suggested adventures. He took this shot of me as we headed deep, like 15 feet deep, into a sealed off miners tunnel. Of course we had flashlights, but the torch is so dramatic.

After we found the cave to lack any real adventure, we turned our efforts towards a shortcut. This particular cliff was only 2 feet off the ground. I am just grunting due to the Mexican food I had the night before. Perhaps there is some Pepto up at the summit?

We did climb to the base of the Mt. top and found a wonderful view to show off. I'm not to sure what we are looking at here but is really much more stunning in real life.

As we looked out over all the vast wilderness, I could not help but wonder what it must be like to live your whole life trying to see the face of a Bigfoot in the midst of all this vastness. I sometimes have to stop and remind myself just what is my goal here. I really would love nothing more then to see one, just for a second. But if it never comes to that, to have joy of crossing through country like this for the sake of God's appreciation...well what more does a guy really need?
As it got darker, I noticed some black pockets existing in the side of the hill. They were fairly high up and looked to be about 15 feet or more in diameter. The roads, if there where any, had to be only used by mules or migrants, back when this Mt. was getting hammered inside out!

Poking my head around

There was a rumor floating around the area here in Eugene about a giant crack existed in the earth nearby. It was started at work by a guy who new a guy and so and so forth. I left the story alone for a year or so and then came back to address it as a possible source for a wonderful research area. I have come face to face with its reality. Here is a small sample of what many people don't believe is in our own backyard!
This particular shot took some strong willpower to pull off. As it turns out, the only way to get a full view of this is really from the bottom 100 feet down, looking up. I have yet to experience this for myself. I was with my beautiful Fiance Med- she decided to hold on for dear life and pose for a shot hanging above it. That was pretty brave for someone deathly afraid of heights, but she is in good hands! I may just head back there this Thursday by myself and check out the base with some new pictures. This place is not on any map and has been so since the 20's from what I hear. It is however very close to a significant water source and high range access points.
I have heard of at least 2 encounters within 50 miles of the area that make me think this is a god place to hold close to the vest. More pictures to come on this for sure. Perhaps even a night venture should be in order.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Preparing for first presentation on Sas and Natives

I will be giving my first presentation on the 3rd of June. I recently was given this cast to borrow and thought perhap it would worth including into the mix.

It is 16x6

More to come later on it.

Friday, May 22, 2009

New Toys for 2 Boys

I was walking through ye-old Costco yesterday and stumbled across more then usual samples of Dubliner Cheese and Prune Juice. A little tiny mountable stealth cam, hidden away in the corners, told me, begged me to come closer. As I walked over, a gentleman who managed the display asked me "If I had ever used one, and what I wanted to use it for".
At this point I said, I think it would serve as a great hiking tool and if I see Sasquatch all the better. The guys eyes light up not knowing if I was joking or not.
So here is latest expenditure folks. Hope I get some good videos on Memorial Day to post.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Jude and I are maintaining a pretty high energy level to plot out where our next researching station will be. Jude is pretty young for the deeper woods and darker nights, but I think he gets the idea that some of this stuff has to be in stages and levels. He knows sometimes I have to go out by myself and that I am protected, but he thinks I only carry a can of bug spray. I guess against Sas, it would be viewed that way.
Not sure I should tell him to much about just how crazy some of these trips are while I am without him. He may think my life is at risk. Is it? I would say overall I stay fairly close to town, 1 hr or 2 hrs away. I always let someone know when I am going. I always let someone know where I am going. except you the reader.
I have not told you exactly where I go alone. That is until know.

Before I do, I would like talk a bit about my conversation I have had with eyewitness reports. the 1st one is with a gentleman whom saw one 22 feet away and the other was with a Indian that saw one at 50 yards.

Both these encounters were pretty brief and had little to publicity locally or elsewhere. In fact they both seemed pretty ok with the fact that they had this happen and it was going to remain close to the vest for the rest of their lives.

I am not sure why they told me, other then I seem like a honest guy, which I am, and that I was not going to judge them. Which I do not!

Both witnesses describe Sas as being a creature highly misunderstood and vastly human like. In fact more human then animal. This notion has slowed down my search somewhat. The conversations I had with both of them was interesting just based on this compelling argument alone. Of course the Native from the Warm Springs tribe grew up hearing this off and on her whole life. But her conversation, which I am still trying attach on here, tells a girl that grew outside the Reservation, and did not hold now really hold the legends as significant to her own life. Having seen one now however, she describes a very metered connection to her tribe, her past, her overcoming of struggles and anger, as perhaps because of Sas. At least she was following that logic when I talked to her.

The other guy told me about how he really felt as though he had really found something much larger in Sas then just a large monkey. He seems to be very hesitant like the Indian that Sas should be sought after and that mainly has to do with just how human they are. I am not sure how it has effected his own personal life, other then to say I think he has more to say on the subject.

Both feel as though Sas can conduct stealthiness on an extreme level and confuse the wittiness at any given time.

Both are very nice people and I was very struck by there calm humility as they discussed what most call the impossible.

The interviews are changing some things as far as what I may or may not think. I do think Jude coming along is still a great idea, but I am going to scale it back a notch. I also am finding brand new reasons as to why I want to see Sas.
I will gather my thoughts about it and write more on this soon. 1st I have to get the audio up I mentioned and then a couple more pics.

Memorial Day is coming and I need to get ready for more adventures.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A test to see how my feet leave a track

I wanted to see how my track looked in the snow upon walking and stepping rather hard. This snow was pretty deep and soft. The sun had really worked on it for a while and it was easy to make a print. you can tell just how thin the width is between mine and something hairy.

The Pioneers leaving there mark and autograph

This image was Scotch taped to the wood panel wall, and as you can see...bares the name of Rene. A force that I have only seen in scratchy old films, and rough sound bites. From what I can tell a true character.

The other images where just as random, and it is more of Patty doing her thing. The owner of the store had no idea is Rene had hung these or the previous owner.

I imagine its a musky aroma,eh?

Came to filler-up near Cougar and thought this was worth a photo. We then took a look at the map and decided that we just had hike into Ape Cave.

As we hiked in, we were really unaware to just how much sun was pouring down and at the same time there was so much still so much snow. I guess it still is April!

Here is a shot of best as I could without a function flash.

I couldn't help but imagine myself down there long before America came into being and tourist looked to its entryway as test to see just how insufficient their Coleman lantern is!

It is getting increasingly hard to make these 2 day trips without any real night time investigation to go on. Jude is just not ready for these and I don't blame him. After coming across some of the largest cast;Let me stop myself, the only cast we had ever seen up close, the phenomena has taken on a whole new significance. The below images are cast Jude found, and only Jude really made happen... by insisting that we pull over for a break. Thank God for little buddy or I may have never been able to make an offer on such a beautiful find.

Before I speak on these cast. It is hard to speak on just how large the 2nd set of cast are, without being able to pull them out and measure them. I have a shot below of Jude in the frame, but that does not do either justice. I would say though after careful estimations, the one below is 15-16 inches.

The one below it I would estimate at a larger scale by about 2 inches at least. It would be around 18 inches. I am curious at if I am correct or not. I did inquire to the old man who looked like a Scooby-Doo villain, if he would be into selling these. He said he would have to check, because the bank owned his property. I then told me that these where not his cast, nor was only of the stuff on the wall. He gave a phone # for the new owner, that owned these cast, but did not cast them. I forced my good charm as much as possible and found at that the owner of the store was only 1/2 mile away. Jude and I met with him and made a pretty good $ offer. He said he needed to check with the bank and that it would be better if I called in a week. If you are able to look very close at the last one, you can see a red colored stamp. As far as I can make out on zooming in at 200% it says BF TRACK 1993. It is pretty hard to see. That would take it out of any that I thought it was associated with. Certainly if it is a reprint it could be a duplicate. Guess we will need more advice.

2nd Expiditon- this time north to St. Helens

Yesterday Jude and I went to St. Helens area and made some good leads on some interesting Sas finds. We were unable to really pull into town quick enough to camp any where other then off the road in Cougar,Wa.
We came accross these fantastic statues of Sas and thus really made our closest encounter! Jude thought we looked like twins.

Here is my little Juvi- It looks like Uncle Harry has got a firm Grip

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fur heals all wounds

This would be Jude and my first trip out this year, at least overnight. We decided to go off the beaten path in order to keep up with just how the Sas is a-liv'n. We found that heading due south-west past Elkton lead us on a wider trail we could follow. We made out a tentative plan on just how we should head.

The map offered up a couple clues on planting ourselves east of the mountain range as to block the elements. Somehow the weather really held up, in fact it must have been 67 or so with little to no wind.

We followed Schofield Rd. about 8-10 miles and wedged ourselves upon the fingers of Ten mile Lake. This is the view we had from or campsite. We made our base camp fairly quick and laid out the tarp for our shelter first off.

By that time we had listened to a few interviews on LTB with K. Strain and Bill Dragonis. This really motivated us to woof down a few slabs of bacon and eggs and get out Squatchin.

One thing we have to admit firstly though is that we are just taking it pretty easy right now. I look at Squatching with my son as a way we can heal some pretty tough times as father and son. There is something reflective about not only camping, but about the mystery of Sas and all it brings to the table. Perhaps I am digging a little to deep into something that should just be light hearted, but really I have seen the benefits of our adventure as a real bonus for us and the BF community.

We came across a couple interesting things along the way. Frog Eggs- or Alien Blob??? Jude got very curious about the weirdness of it all?
Later on as we traveled farther down the hill we came upon a giant totem pole. It had a lot to offer as far as the local inhabitants, but I thought this one was the most telling.

It was found in an unused campsite that we helped ourselves to. it was pretty eerie not having anyone around such a large sprawl.

That night Jude hit the trunk early, "car camping, and i stayed up with a some call blasting into the night. I did not crank it as loud as I wanted, as to not wake him from his slumber. I never did get a response or anything of interest to really log. I had all the needed equipment in our new found adventure. Perhaps if I don't ever come in contact with Sas, I will still unlock the mystery of how deep a love runs between me and Jude. One discovering his boyhood and me reliving it all over again through his eyes.

Came upon this picture. Love the details and scale. It's hard not so what it appears to be.

At this point I don't even know where the picture was taken, or who this little pot bellied fella is.

Think perhaps I can use this on a project I am working on.

The lines that go down the middle of the foot horizontal interest me.

They all seem very distinct in their own way.